Technology solutions applied in the government are an important step in the process of reforming national governance towards modernity, meeting the needs of international and regional integration.
Government customer

Public service software system
Online public service platform to publicize and share statistical information on administrative procedures, online public services of state units
- Receive and manage online file
- Update processing status
- Announce and return the results of online application processing

Database Management System for the citizen
Applying information technology in management activities, contributing to modernizing the city-wide database, changing the method of citizen management from manual to modern, overcoming the inconsistency in management basic information of citizens between sectors and levels.
- Save time, effort and facilities in building and operating specialized databases
- Creating favorable conditions for the implementation of online public services
- Easier data mining because data is centrally managed
- Analyze and forecast to have policies to promote local development

Digitizing data of departments
Solutions to digitize archival documents such as paper-based documents, photos, movies; audio documents…. (most of which are paper-based archives) to store, preserve and exploit in the most effective way.
- Store, retrieve, share and search information easily
- Original archives are preserved longer
- Centralized management, mining, entire database, optimized for users